Netflix Morocco - How to Watch Netflix in Morocco?
Netflix is a video-on -demand best known in the U.S.. This service allows you to view most movies , series and TV shows Americans at their output . The success of Netflix with 25 million members , is mainly explained by the fact that the site brings together in one place the majority of entertainment content .
But also , Netflix offers a wide range of applications, allowing customers to access on different devices , such as:
Smartphones : iPhone, iPod ...
Tablets : iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab ...
Game consoles : PS3, Xbox 360 ...
For cons , the contents of the site are not available outside of a specific area . Although Netflix extends its increasingly international presence , the videos are only accessible from the UK , Ireland, and Latin America.
Pending its implementation more widely available in Europe , here's a way around this restriction.
How to access Netflix in Morocco?
First, you should know that the locking system of the site detects your exact location through your IP. So if you live in Morocco, Netflix realizes that you do not reside in the licensed area and therefore displays the following message.
Pour contourner ce blocage vous devez apparaître comme un internaute Américain. Pour cela, c’est très simple : il vous suffit d’utiliser un VPN. Ce type d’application créé un tunnel sécurisé pour votre connexion, jusqu’à un serveur qui fournit de nouvelles IP.
Ainsi pour accéder au site de Netflix, il vous suffit d’installer une application VPN et de vous connecter à un serveur US. Une fois que c’est fait, vous naviguez sous l’identité du serveur et ainsi vous pouvez accéder aux sites Américains bloqué suivant votre pays d’origine.
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